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Stop Back pain university

Is a comprehensive course that will enable you to heal your back! It will give you a deep understanding and ability in your mind and body of how , why and what to do. We will do this through physical practice and lecture. All slides and videos of the are alway available to you, on this page. They will continually be upgrades and added too. You can also retake  the any session for 1 year. 

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Session one 1/9, 2/27

  • Amazing anatomy and how it helps you figure the cause of back pain

  • Diagnosis to know the exact problem

  • Best treatment for sciatica and disc disease

  • First aid to get you through

  • Psychology of super healing

  • How to get long term results

  • What are the most important exercises

  • Stabilization and ideal position will be the focus of our rehabilitation, exercise, learn and practice portion

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Session two  1/16, 3/6

  • Ideal Biomechanics with an emphasis on arthritis and degenerative joint disease

  • Mobilization or how and why to get unstuck

  • Releasing scar tissue

  • How to make your back heal fasted

  • How to reduce the costs

  • Hidden causes and how to eliminate them

  • Self mobilization with balls, foam rollers and other toys will be the focus of our rehabilitation, exercise, learn and practice portion

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Session three 2/6, 3/13

  • Stretching for the inflexible

  • Flexibility for muscular strains

  • Neuromuscular control to prevent re injury

  • Abnormal movement patterns and how to fix them

  • Increased long term compliance for success

  • Movement system impairment syndromes for chronic injury

  • Stretching will be the focus of our rehabilitation, exercise, learn and practice portion

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Session four 2/13, 3/20

Training for sport and training for life

  • Mechanics for lumbar spine pain

  • Neuromuscular control

  • Safe Exercise to decrease inflammation

  • Self assessment to know when things need more attention

  • Complex motor patterns for sport will be the focus of our rehabilitation, exercise, learn and practice portion

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More Detailed content

Session one

  1. Introduction to back pain

  2. Anatomy, disc herniation and bulge, muscle spasm, subluxation, spinal misalignment, nerve impingement, vertebral canal, intervertebral foramen,

  3. Scab and tissue sensitization

  4. Balance deficits post injury

  5. Risk factors 

  6. Crossed pelvis syndrome

  7. Glut amnesia

  8. Red flags to rule out that something more serious is going on like cancer, infection, or a systemic condition

  9. Common cause of back pain

  10. First aid for back pain

  11. Underlying causes, aka how to fix your back, abnormal patterns of movements, flexion deficit, extension deficit separate class into groups

  12. Movement patterns the cross syndrome

  13. Biofeedback devices the high and low tech

  14. Importance of practice and how hard you really have to work to get Great results

  15. Don't pick/tear your scab

  16. Know your limits

  17. Never do total rest

  18. Threading the needle

  19. Building it into everyday activities

  20. Hands on practice, the neutral spine, breath, ideal position. Hip folds, cat/com, the big three, bridge, bird dog, side plank junior

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Session two

  1. Repeat and practice for those that missed class one or Need some extra help hands on practice starts 15 minutes before rest of class

  2. Is sitting the new smoking it delaminates the disk  especially those who already have disk injury l-5 S-1 is flexed even in upright posture. Maximum 50 minutes sitting. Pushes the nucleus backwards and cause delamination of annulus, break is stand hands overhead to extend the lumbar spine, wallet out of pocket, walk

  3. Varied postures while sitting , crossing legs, switch which leg is crossed, legs on disk,  supported Unsupported, ball, different chairs

  4. Teaching sitting find upright with pelvis and then rib cage then combine the  2 for best results video 4.1

  5. Rest

  6. Drugs anti inflammatories

  7. Load and overload

  8. Importance of mobility

  • Self myofascial release the foam roller, lacrosse ball and other fun toys

  • Chiropractic

  • Physical therapy

  • Active Release technique

  • Massage

  • Rolfing

  • Stretching

  • Yoga

  1. Self myofascial release beginning

  • Para-spinal muscles

  • Gluteus

  • Hamstring

  • Foot

  1. Stretching

  • Hamstrings

  • Don't stretch the back?

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Session three

  1. Repeat and practice for those that missed class one or Need some extra help hands on practice starts 15 minutes before rest of class

  2. Surgery for disc injury, sciatica, spinal stenosis

  3. Steroid injections and nerve blocks

  4. Acupuncture

  5. Breath

  6. Nutrition

  7. Nervous system balance

  8. Good seats and chairs

  9. Movement practice importance of

  10. Standing exercise

  • Spread the earth

  • Dumbells and bands

  • Balance exercise

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Session 4

  1. Repeat and practice for those that missed class one or Need some extra help hands on practice starts 15 minutes before rest of class

  2. Standing pulling and pushing exercises with band

  3. Cardio machines upright of course neutral spine, fitness general endurance

Elliptical requires more hip ROM


Stair stepper

Ski skate machine

  1. Pg 125

  2. Kettle bell swings mixed response

  3. First 30 minutes after waking be careful walking will reduce the time tos shrink disk

  4. After being flexed you are more vulnerable time and some extension stretching may help

  5. Beds and pillows

  6. Shoes and feet walking with arm swinging I.e. Fast walking

  7. Back pack load is best placed lower towards the end of trading we can use over the shoulder asymmetrical loading with frequent switching to train. Is that the same as a farmer carry?

  8. When and why to image, x-ray, .MRI and CT scan

  9. Stretch the psoas

  10. Balancing the muscular system Imbalances

  11. Self release the hamstring gluteus

  12. Sex and back pain

  13. How long does it take ?

Repeat. We encourage you to retake the class and they're free once you have taken the series. This will insure that you get as great as you can and stay there! it's best to start the class at session 1 but you can start at anytime and it's best not to wait.

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Session 1 Stop back pain University
Session 2 Stop back pain university
Session 3 Stop back pain university
Session 4 Stop back university
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