Snowboarding Injury and Pain in Truckee & Tahoe
Breakdown of Snowboarding Injuries
Wrist Snowboard injuries 23%
Ankle SnowBoarding Injuries 16.7%
Knee Snowboarding Injuries 16.3%
Head Snowboarding Injury 9.3%
Shoulder Snowboarding Injury 8.3%
Back and Trunk Snowboarding Injury 7.8%
Elbow Snowboarding Injury 4.4
Ankle SnowBoarding Injuries 16.7%
Soft boots give the snowboarder approximately twice the risk of ankle injury compared with hard boots. Almost 50 percent of the ankle injuries are fractures, which are usually easily diagnosed. However, "snowboarder's ankle," a fracture of the lateral process of the talus, may be difficult to see on a standard ankle x-ray series
Knee Snowboarding Injuries 16.3%
Hard boots give the snowboarder approximately twice the risk of a knee injury compared with soft boots. Hard boots also place the snowboarder at risk for fractures of the tibia and fibula at the level of the boot top, called "boot-top" fractures
Common causes
Improper movement
Abnormal biomechanics
Imbalance muscles
Previous trauma injury
Repetitive micro trauma
Adhesions/scar tissue of Gluteals, Hamstrings, Psoas, Para-spinals
Spinal misalignment/subluxation of the Lumbar spine and Pelvis
Tight muscles
Acute trauma
Overuse injury
Poor posture
Postural correction
Stretching therapy
Biomechanical analysis