Anterior Knee Pain(front) also known as chondromalicai patella, patella malaignment, knee cap pain & Iliotibial band syndrome. This is the most common cause of knee pain and the most common reason to see an orthopedic surgeon.
Pain just behind the knee cap
Pain to the outside or inside of the knee
Aggravated by crossing the knees also known as movie theatre sign
Worse going down stairs more so then going up
Hiking down is worse then going up
Grinding, clicking or catching behind the knee cap
To understand what has gone wrong we must understand what was normal. The knee cap has a ridge on it’s backside that rides in a groove that is in the front of the femur (Upper leg bone). Most often when we have anterior knee pain in the knee cap it has moved to the outside due to the tightness of the Ilio-tibial band and hamstrings and the weakness and poor control of the inside quadriceps muscle (vastus medalis). Also, an imbalance in the ligaments that hold the knee cap in place (patella ligament, patella menisci femoral ligament)
In its early stages the cartilage between the knee cap and femur begins to get damaged and starts to wear away. In its later stages the cartilage is gone and the bone is starting to get worn away, essentially bone against bone. This bone against bone is arthritis.
The causes are
Poor alignment of the knee, feet, hip and low back. These can be identified by examining the bones, ligaments, tendons, joints, nerves, and the corrected by foot orthotics, muscle balancing exercises, stretching, chiropractic adjustments
Adhesions (Scar Tissue)in the Iliotibial band(ITB), Quadriceps muscles, Hamstring muscles, knee capsule
Post knee replacement Rehabilitation
Great case study to accelerate rehab and great way to prehab so surgical outcomes are better. Antigravity treadmill training during the early rehabilitation phase following
unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A case series. The anti gravity treadmill is available at https://www.selectphysicaltherapy.com/contact/find-a-location/ca/truckee/truckee-donner-pass/?ty=xt
For knee cap pain we use backwards bike pedaling but not for ACL rehab. As per this article
Knee joint loading in forward versus backward pedaling: implications for rehabilitation strategies
R R Neptune 1, S A Kautz from the Journal of Clinical Biomechanics
Landing Pattern Modification
to Improve Patellofemoral Pain
in Runners: A Case Series.
Ways to decrease heel loading and therfore patella loading
Biofeedback exercise improved the EMG activity ratio of the medial
and lateral vasti muscles in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome
A way to balance out the quads to help knee cap/patella pain
Distinguishing Quadriceps Tendinopathy and Patellar Tendinopathy: Semantics or Significant
How to tell the difference between patella and quad tendon problems. To stress the quad tendon a high degree of flexion is need and to stress the patella tendon use the eccentric part of jumping.
Patella femoral pain syndrome rehab
Get your crutch on before surgery
Knee evaluation survey
Please download and fill this out. It will help me or any other sports medicine specialist to figure out what is your best course of treatment.
Common causes
Improper movement
Abnormal biomechanics
Imbalance muscles
Previous trauma injury
Repetitive micro trauma
Adhesions/scar tissue of Gluteals, Hamstrings, Psoas, Para-spinals
Spinal misalignment/subluxation of the Lumbar spine and Pelvis
Tight muscles
Acute trauma
Overuse injury
Poor posture
Postural correction
Stretching therapy
Biomechanical analysis