P.R.I.C.E. Technique
should be used for back, neck, hand, wrist, elbow, knee, hip ,foot, shoulder, jaw and ankle injuries and pain.
Protect the area
Rest the area.
Ice the area. This means real ice in an ice bag covered by a moist towel. You could also use some Truckee snow. This should be done for 15 minutes, once per hour and should be done as often as possible for 48 hours after the injury occurs. Be careful not to freeze the area, this is especially easy to to do on the young , old and those with medical problems
Compress the area if possible.
Elevate the area so it is above the heart.
Call your chiropractor, physical therapist or medical doctor in Truckee, Tahoe or at home.
Icing and exercise have the best evidence in the treatment of post ACL surgery quad inhibition. We can extrapolate this to use ice in many other injuries. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/53/5/289
My experience with icing or cyrotherapy with game ready https://www.truckeechiropractor.com/single-post/2019/07/27/Get-back-to-sport-and-life-faster-with-Game-Ready