1. Commitment to getting better! I understand the fears that we all have when we get injured. Am I going to better.? Am I going to be able to do the things that I need and want too? Yes but you got to be committed. If you get asked a question by your healer (your healer should be a combination of a professionals like chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist, massage therapist and YOU) like jump for me? If you say O.K. then you are not commited. If you say how many, how high, how often. Then you are committed. You have too bring your own health and well being above all else. If the healer says limit your sitting to a maximum of 15 minutes per hour, do you figure out how to do it? You got too. If your healer tells you to rest more? You got too. If your healer tells you to exercise more? You got too.
You have to dig deep. Remember that the little things about posture and stabilization need to be repeated to yourself a thousand times a day, until they become automatic. To get it done we need to strive for a 1000 and get 900. This is very powerful stuff!
2. Learn as much as you can from about your body! Your professional healer should be a big help with this with a combination of motivation, hands on education and directing you to other resources (like books, websites and videos).
3. Watch these videos
4.Take my course Stop Back Pain University
5. Listen to these 2 podcast interviews of Stewart Mcgill Phd. One of the leading people in healing the back. His part is part of these and the time positions are indicated below if they don't start there.
Podcast: The Strength Coach Podcast | Interviews with the Top Strength Coaches, Fitness Pros, Nutritionists and Fitness Business Coaches Episode: The Back Mechanic and The Powerlifter- The Gift of Injury with Stu McGill and Brian Carroll Position: 00:32:24 Link: http://podplayer.net/#/?id=43161193&t=1944
Podcast: The Strength Coach Podcast | Interviews with the Top Strength Coaches, Fitness Pros, Nutritionists and Fitness Business Coaches Episode: Dr. Stuart McGill and Brian Carroll are back with the Gift of Injury- 220 Position: 00:36:50 Link: http://podplayer.net/#/?id=43684425&t=2210
6. If your not getting adequate results with your healing search for other healers and healings. Leave no stone unturned. They can be people in the same discipline or another. Remember that each of us healers has something different to contribute to your journey. Don't be confused with the letters after our name.
7. Keep a journal. It could be focused on physical stuff like how long you sat,what kind of chair, how long you stood, what exercise you did. What was new more or less reps, weight. etc.. Make sure you include how you feel when you wake up and how well you slept. These are strong indicators if what you did yesterday was good or bad for you. You can also write down what you ate and how your psychi is when you are ready to bring the healing to that level.
8. Buy Stewart Mcgill"s book "The Back Mechanic"
9. Come in for a visit to see me
10. Call me with a question 530-550-1688