In the article Chronic inflammation is a feature of Achilles tendinopathy and rupture in the British Journal of sports medicine they talk about how inflammation is a key component of tendopathy( tendonopathy incompasses tendonitis and tendonosis) The inflamation causes the tendon to weaken. This same phenomenon has been documented to happen in our other tendons like in the elbow/forearm, shoulder, knee. So what should we do? In order of efficacy/safety/alternative health benefit.
Adequate rest ( adequate being the key term. This is the art of a sports medicine practice getting this right and continually adjusting it)
Adequate training
Hydrate. The more water you drink the easier it is to get inflammation out
Mild cardio like walking or swimming
Legs up the wall pose for leg injuries
Eat foods high in omega 3 fats. Wild salmon(Fresh, frozen or canned), sardines, ground flax seed, walnuts, almonds,
Reduce your intake of omega 6 fats like safflower oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, poppy seed oil, corn oil, oil, cottonseed oil, and soybean oil
Decrease all grains especially wheat
Eat a lower carbohydrate diet
Eat more veggies and fruits
Take a omega 3 supplement capsule or oil
Remove food allergies sensitivities
Test for allergies/sensitivities I like to order from Genova Diagnostics which also has good educational materials both articles and videos and Oxford Biomedical technologies
Test for C-reactive protein, homocysteine, sedimentation rate and blood sugar levels on your regular blood test
Have your red blood cell fats tested to see if your omega fast are out of balance