Yeah, I have finished the last hurdle so I can go to the olympic training center in Colorado Springs. This last hurdle was taking a class and passing an examination given by the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians (A.C.B.S.P.). The certification is called an Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (C.C.S.P.). So what did I have to do to qualify to take the exam? I had to participate in sporting events as part of the medical team. (Ironman, great race, NY marathon, ski patrol Alpine meadows, killington Vt.)
I had to take 50 hours of classes and hands on labs. I had do an online course that consisted of a minimum of 100 hours and be responsible for the information in the reading list below. The majority of the online course was really reading. There where a few powerpoint presentations and even fewer videos ( less then 5%). The best book was the Functional Soft Tissue examination by Hammer in regards to learning how to treat the body not taking the test, Conservative Management of Sports Injuries by Hyde and Netter's Sports Medicine by Madden where key study textbooks.
Sports Injuries Assessment and Rehabilitation, Reid DC, 1st Edition, 1992, Churchill Livingstone, ISBN 0-443-08662-1
ACSM’s Handbook for the Team Physician, W. Ben Kibler, 1996, Williams & Wilkins
Functional Soft Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods: New Perspectives, 2nd Edition, Hammer W., Aspen Publishing Co., 2005
Essentials of Skeletal Radiology, Yochum T, Rowe, L; Williams & Wilkins, 2004
Illustrated Guide to Taping Techniques; Austin KA, Gwynn-Brett KA, Marshall SC. Mosby, 1994
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Baechele TR, 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics ISBN 0-7360-0089-5, 2000
Prehospital Emergency Care, Brady, Joseph J. Mistovich, 6th ed.
ACBSP Position Statements
Position Paper on Blood Borne Pathogens, ACA Council on Sports Injuries & Physical Fitness
Revised Concussion Parameters, American Academy of Neurology, March 1997
American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physiciansâ„¢ Certification Program Code of Ethics Outline and Structure, 1998
Inter-Association Task Force for Appropriate Care of the Spine Consensus Statement, May 1998
ACSM Position Statements
Cervical Spine and Brachial Plexus Injuries: Return-to-Play Recommendations, Joseph S. Torg, MD; Julie A. Ramsey-Emrhein, Med, ATC, The Physician and Sports Medicine Vol.25 No.7 July 1997
Strength and Conditioning Journal, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics
The Physician and Sportsmedicine, A peer reviewed Journal
A complete list can be found at the ACBSP's website: http://acbsp.com/node/282 (Links to an external site.)
So I took the test which was the first real test that I have taken in 20 years. I have taken online tests and quizzes at classes. I laughed at the security, double ID checks, no phones, keys or wallets aloud in testing area. You get walked out the door after finishing. The assigned seats where reasonable. To now have to wait 10 weeks for the results is ridiculous for a scan tron test. I think I scored well though. Alright, onto the application process to submit to the U.S. olympic committee to do the internship. Yeah!