The coronavirus is at the lower end of a HEPA filter’s range, so it might not be 100% effective on a single pass. But if a HEPA system is run over a period of time, it can take out a big chunk of viruses,

somewhere in the high ninetieth percentile (99.94 to 99.97%).
I have installed 2 air cleaners in my treatment room. I know a little over kill but our safety (The patient and doctor) is of the utmost importance. I have a Winix True HEPA 4 Stage Air Purifier with Wi-Fi that is AHAM Verified to clear a room up to 360 Sq. Ft. and a GermGuardian 4-in-1 Air Purifier Tower with True HEPA Filter is certified to clear a room up to 193 Sq. Ft.. That means that the air in a room that size will be cleaned 5 times per hour. So the air in the treatment room is cleaned often. Just for reference the treatment room is a 140 SQ. FT. The air cleaner is just an additional layer to prevent disease transmission.
THis is in addition to:
Hand washing.
15 minutes between patients to clean and let air get changed.
Never 2 people in office at same time.
Masks on patients, staff and the doctor.
Infection symptoms and exposure questions.